A NSW Government website

Manual Methods for Reverse Engineering


Reverse engineering is the process of analysing an existing product or system’s design and functionality and recreating it in a digital space to create a similar or improved version of that product or system. Learners will gain proficiency in using tools such as computer metrology, vernier calipers, and micrometers to collect, interpret and analyse data and how to apply manual reverse engineering techniques to reverse engineer components for manufacturing, quality assurance, or other purposes.

What you will learn

Upon completion of this micro-credential, learners will be able to:

  • identify and apply the principles and techniques of manual reverse engineering methods
  • demonstrate the use of tools such as computer metrology, vernier calipers, and micrometers to collect accurate measurements of physical objects
  • interpret and analyse measurement data to create accurate digital models of physical objects
  • apply manual reverse engineering techniques to reverse engineer manufacturing components

Education Provider | University of Technology Sydney

Industry Partner | Protomake