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3D Scanning Methods for Reverse Engineering


Reverse engineering is the process of analysing an existing product or system’s design and functionality and recreating it in a digital space to create a similar or improved version of that product or system. Building on the Introduction to Reverse Engineering micro-credential, this course provides 3D scanning methods, how to apply 3D Scanning techniques to capture a component’s complete geometry utilising mesh clean-up tools for downstream modelling and/or manufacturing.

What you will learn

Upon completion of this micro-credential, learners will be able to:

  • apply 3D scanning technology to capture a component’s complete geometry
  • apply mesh clean-up tools to remove errors and prepare faceted bodies for downstream modelling and/or manufacturing
  • identify logical facet shapes and group triangles for use in the creation of faces
  • apply reverse engineering software to create native surfaces on top of imported data
  • demonstrate how to use deviation analysis to compare b-rep and mesh models or mesh-to-mesh models to ensure accuracy between the re-engineered part and its original.

Education Provider | University of Technology Sydney

Industry Partner | Protomake