A NSW Government website

Planning referrals

Councils assess and determine most local development applications (DAs) in NSW under the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 (Planning Act). The Department of Planning, Housing and Infrastructure assesses large or significant applications. As part of the assessment process, some applications require input from 'referral authorities' before a decision is made.

The Bradfield Development Authority (BDA) is responsible for supporting investment attraction within the Aerotropolis and delivering Bradfield City Centre. It provides advice as a referral authority on matters related to these functions. This will usually involve State-led and determined large scale development proposals.

While under the Planning Act the Bradfield Development Authority is not a decision maker, the Authority:

  • provides advice to the Minister for Planning on draft Aerotropolis Precinct Plans (and proposed amendments) in the Aerotropolis which require consultation under Chapter 4 of the State Environmental Planning Policy (Precincts - Western Parkland City) 2021
  • participates in the Aerotropolis Technical Assurance Panel (TAP) for masterplans as per the Department of Planning, Housing and infrastructure’s Master Plan Guidelines and Supplementary Guidance
  • provides advice on the Secretary's Environmental Assessment Requirements (SEARs) for State significant projects (development and infrastructure)
  • provides comment on State significant projects as required by SEARs
  • provides comment to authorities proposing 'development without consent' with a capital investment value of $30 million or more under the State Environmental Planning Policy (Transport and Infrastructure)
  • provides comments at strategic stages of the planning process for other development as required

Requests for referral advice on planning matters can be submitted via our webform.