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Ken Morrison interview on ABC Country Hour

Bradfield Development Authority CEO Ken Morrison speaks on ABC's NSW Country Hour about how investment underway in the Aerotropolis will unlock export opportunities and access to growth markets for businesses located in Western Sydney and regional NSW.

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[Beginning of recorded material]

David Claughton

Construction of the new airport is 80% complete. Singapore Airlines is the first international operator to commit to starting operations from there.

Ken Morrison is the CEO of the Bradfield Development Authority, which is building a whole new city attached to the Aerotropolis.

Ken Morrison

They are ahead of schedule. We'll have this airport opening prior to the end of 2026, and the freight and cargo piece is a really important part of that.

So that will be a 24/7 seven freight and cargo operating facility. Incredible opportunities for businesses right across New South Wales and Australia to be able to access growth markets, particularly in Asia, and do that on a 24/7 basis.

David Claughton

And 220,000 tonnes of cargo. Is that a lot?

Ken Morrison

It is a lot. And we expect that to grow over time. And, you know, I think what the airport brings is several things. One, it's a new link into the world and a new opportunity to get your produce out to the world, and also receive the things that you need your business to make it work.

But it also reduces the need to have to transport your goods through the congested parts of Sydney into Kingsford-Smith Airport. It gives you a much easier access.

And the third thing it does, is it anchors a whole Aerotropolis city around it.

So there's a more than 11,000 hectare area surrounding the airport, which will become a major new destination for freight, logistics, warehousing and industrial activity for Sydney. And that can really anchor and supercharge that, trade.

David Claughton

So that's all still to kind of evolve in some respects, isn't it? Because I'm hearing 80% of construction is complete, but is there still a lot of empty land and stuff that still needs to go in there?

Ken Morrison

The airport's well advanced in their construction, and there's $9 billion of investment from the private sector that's making its way through the planning pathways for investment in that broader Aerotropolis area.

David Claughton

And so that's double the cost of the airport itself.

Ken Morrison

Yeah. And in the Aerotropolis we're just getting started. So there is, a 11,000 hectare area is an enormous area. And if you put the Aerotropolis over the Sydney CBD, it would stretch all the way from the Harbour down to Botany and all the way from inner west to Bondi Beach.

David Claughton

That is big. And Moorebank is another one, connection that's also extremely large. So infrastructure kind of supercharged in Sydney at the moment.

Ken Morrison

Well, there's $20 billion worth of government infrastructure, including the airport, including the roads, including the Metro rail, including what we are spending to create the City of Bradfield at the heart of the Aerotropolis.

So $20 billion is an enormous amount of investment, and that will have a huge driving impact on the economy of Western Sydney, but much broader than that throughout New South Wales.

David Claughton

Now, amongst the 50 investors that you hosted this week, what kind of players are they? What sort of companies were there?

Ken Morrison

Look, a range of Asian-based companies who were in Australia and looking for opportunities. There's also companies who are Australian-based that are looking into South East Asia for different investment opportunities.

We also, very importantly had a number of trade delegations from different embassies from South East Asian nations.  And, you know, many of their advisors were also in the room as well.

There'll be many businesses perhaps, that really haven't clicked that this thing is about to happen. So now is a great time to sort of engage with what the airport's doing, engage with what's happening in the Aerotropolis, and think about the opportunities for your own business.

David Claughton 

Ken Morrison, the CEO of the Bradfield Development Authority.

[End of recorded material]